Saturday, 19 March 2011

Main Task - Software

The software I used to edit the film was iMovie on Mac laptop. IMovie is effortless and resourceful, with more time in using it, I got to see different sound effects and transitions we could use, and how to change the speed and video effects. This time Safina was able to take part in the editing and she really enjoyed it, she got to play around with the features and we tried different things to see which effects worked best. Even though editing the film was enjoyable and fun, because it was new to us there were some problems we encountered with the screaming shot, sometimes you could hear the screams and sometimes you couldn’t.

Using such software helped heighten the fear factor in our film, as well as helping to make the quality of the video effect better and the background sound.

The second software we used was ‘Garage Band’ this software aided us in making the music for the film. Although none of us have any training in playing an instrument, the software had an introductory tutorial. Initially we felt frustrated with ‘Garage Band’; it seemed as if we were at a disadvantage for not knowing how to play an instrument. But gradually, as with a lot of computer based software’s, it is a matter of experimenting and exploring the sounds.

At first we were quite frustrated because this was completely different and new, and we thought we had to start to learn an instrument. But gradually after completing the tutorial we came to enjoy playing the virtual instruments.

The software actually had some short pieces of music pre-recorded, all we did was change the instruments, made it longer, and added a few other sound effects. I think for me this was my favourite software to work on because we didn’t have any technical problems with it, it was fun to use after we knew how to use it and we created music instead of just listening to it for a change.

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